Located in Edina, MN

Advanced Care and Protocols for Neuropathy, 
Improve Blood supply and Repairing nerves to improve Neuropathy

Most Neuropathy Patients that come to us have never worked with a doctor that is also Board Certified in Neuropathy (BCN) from American College of Physical Medicine. Welcome to a clinic dedicated to helping patients with Neuropathy, located in Edina Minnesota

Unfortunately, these same patients were told their Peripheral Neuropathy in their feet, hands and spine cannot be helped and they just "need to learn how to live with it." 
Sound familiar?

 GOOD NEWS: Our Neuropathy Protocols demonstrate with very high success that Neuropathy can be improved! Neuropathy Does NOT have to be a life sentence and our 200+ patient testimonials will tell you the same.

At Select Health, we have helped patients ranging from those recently diagnosed with Neuropathy to those with advanced severe nerve damage who have suffered for decades. Scroll to learn more about our successful approach to fighting back against Neuropathy symptoms and finally improve your quality of life!

We take the best state-of-the-art nerve technologies, physical exercises, balance machines, diet plans, functional Medicine and supplementation and other advanced neuropathy therapies to improve blood supply to damaged areas, repair the damage to nerves and improve Neuropathy. Talk to us on the phone about our use of technology such as low level laser therapy, nerve retrainers, vibration plate therapy and more. All this and more to improve Neuropathy.

If Neuropathy is causing you pain, tingling, numbness, burning, in your feet and hands, loss of sleep or balance issues, please watch our videos below from Dr. Jamy Antoine, DC who is Board Certified in Neuropathy!


(Measurable results below showing improvement in Nerve Fiber Density):


A Skin Biopsy showing Reduced Small Nerve Fiber Density


A Skin Biopsy showing Normal Small Nerve Fiber Density

*Individual Results may vary
When it comes to Peripheral Neuropathy and related Problems in the feet, hands and spine, the specialized team of Dr. Jamy Antoine, DC, BCN, BS, FIPCA, also Board Certified in Neuropathy, and Dr. James Eschiti, DC, CCSP have seen it all. Many of their patients have visited the top medical clinics in Minnesota, still living with Neuropathy for years, even decades.  These same patients found better long-term results with the Select Health Team, through more complete testing, Functional Medicine, and Advanced Peripheral Neuropathy Care with our state-of-the-art Technology at Select Health of MN.

What patients are saying about Dr. Jamy Antoine, DC, BCN, BS, FIPCA (Board Certified in Neuropathy) and Select Health Twin Cities

Read some of their Google Reviews:

I have tried many different treatment options for diabetic neuropathy without much effect. Having started the treatment at SHTC I did not see immediate results but after three weeks gradual improvement began and continues after the treatment is done. I do not wake up in the middle of the night from sharp pains any more, was able to reduce the meds, have better sensations and steadier gate. I am pleased with results.

I was diagnosed with Peripheral Neuropathy by a medical doctor who told me there was nothing to reverse the process, that I would have to learn to live with it, and all that was available was meds to mask and reduce the pain. After six months of treatment with Dr. Antoine, I have improved markedly. I have regained a great deal of feeling in my feet, I have improved my balance, and the feeling and sensation has improved. I am very glad I found Dr. Antoine. I'm having a better quality of life.

I  went in with pain in my feet and into my ankles. My MD said there was nothing to do for the neuropathy except to prescribe a pill to mask the pain. I came to see Dr. Antoine and listened to all he had to say, I followed all his instructions. My feet went from 30% feeling to 95% in three months. I cant believe the outcome. I am so glad to have found Select Health of the Twin Cities.

It was a great choice for me.....Dr Jamy's experience and a specific treatment plan was set up and monitored by him. I gained more feeling in my very numb feet and lessened nightly leg cramping. I'm sleeping better which is huge....because I was sleep deprived for months. They have numerous therapies there and it's a very welcoming atmosphere.

It was a great choice for me.....Dr Jamy's experience and a specific treatment plan was set up and monitored by him. I gained more feeling in my very numb feet and lessened nightly leg cramping. I'm sleeping better which is huge....because I was sleep deprived for months. They have numerous therapies there and it's a very welcoming atmosphere.

I cannot speak highly enough of Select Health of the Twin Cities, Dr. Antoine & the staff. They are so friendly, easy to work with and I am blown away at how much better I got while going through Dr. Antoine's program. Thank you Select Health of the Twin Cities!

If you're tired of struggling with Neuropathy symptoms, stay hopeful:


Our approach developed by our doctor who is Board Certified in Neuropathy includes Functional Medicine and State-of-the-art technology to improve blood flow to the affected areas, repair and retrain nerves and improve Neuropathy. 

When it works, patients generally report drastic improvement in their overall Neuropathy within months. Remember: Neuropathy can be improved.

Neuropathy can be improved, nerve damage can be improved and nerves can be retrained. We have proven this again and again for many patients at our clinic.  Dr. Jamy Antoine, DC, FICPA, BCN, is specifically Board Certified in Neuropathy, and uses state-of-the-art technologies and a Functional Medicine approach to get to the root cause of your nerve damage and help improve it! 

Why does The Select Health Team have such amazing results with their Peripheral Neuropathy Patients? 

The Select Health Advantage:
  • Individualized Protocol based on your specific nerve damage
  • ​State-of-the-art neuropathy equipment to regenerate nerves
  • ​Comprehensive Functional Medicine Protocol with Dr. James
  • B​oard Certified in Neuropathy to heal and repair nerves
  • ​Flexible Financing for our Neuropathy Patients for low monthly pmts

Neuropathic Functional Lab Assessment & Functional Medicine Approach

Is there something going on with you physiologically that is pre-disposing you to Peripheral Neuropathy?

A Comprehensive biochemical assessment is a vital first step to identifying the root cause of your problem. 

Here is an example for why this step is critical. There are many individuals that suffer from diabetes, but not all develop Peripheral Neuropathy. So, the two BIG assessment questions are:

1. Why did you develop the Neuropathy to begin with? 
What was the underlying issue in your system that predisposed you to develop this Problem?

2. What is preventing your body for healing?
Our body is the most advanced computer on this earth and has a natural ability to heal itself. A complete Assessment is KEY to understanding ALL the reasons contributing to your body's inability to heal itself.

Only with proper assessment testing, can we pinpoint the cause of the problem. 

Dr. Jamy, DC, FICPA, BCN is Board Certified in Neuropathy! His focus is to get to the ROOT CAUSE of the problem, so we can fix it.

Getting a good baseline is also critical to  measure your progress and help you understand your healing as we work together.

  • Testing to assess any deficiencies: Do you have any deficiencies ie. Vit. B-6 that are predisposing your body to developing neuropathy?
  • Testing to assess any toxicities: Several toxicities example mercury toxicity can result in neuropathy. Sometimes taking even too much of a vitamin like B6 can produce Neuropathy too. Testing for toxicities is easy and vital to your health!
  • Running Inflammation Markers: Inflammation can wreak havoc on the body and produce symptoms of neuropathy and associated pain.
  • Comprehensive Functional Lab Work for underlying metabolic disease: Do you have any underlying metabolic imbalance? We can uncover Diabetes, Thyroid disorder, Arthritis, and more...

State-of-the-art Structural Imaging and Assessment 

Dr. Jamy, DC, FICPA, BCN, is Board Certified in Neuropathy. He is an expert in assessing the FULL extent of the Nerve damage and pinpoint the source.

A complete Assessment is KEY to understanding the full extent of the nerve damage.

Are there any Structural issues in your body that are causing Peripheral Neuropathy; pain, tingling or numbness, balance and sensory issues. Do you have issues with your neck? Is there herniation or bulging disc(s) in your spine? Are there structural issues with your joints?

The Doctors at Select Health - Twin Cities want you to understand that Nerve Damage CAN be Improved! You don’t have to rely on increasing dosages of meds. 
 Your body can heal!  
Nerve damage CAN Improve. Your nerves can be retrained and you do not have to keep living with Nerve damage or symptoms!
Some Key Components to your 9-Point Structural Assessment Include: 
  • ​Comprehensive Physical and Structural Assessment with State-of-the-art imaging. What is going on with your spine? What is going on with your neck, shoulder and joints? This is done as part of your in-person visit. 
  • Determining if there is an unresolved injury that is causing the problem. Did you have an injury that didn't heal properly and is now causing Neuropathic pain? Many patients Dr. Jamy, DC, FICPA, BCN, sees aren't even aware of an unhealed injury they had from many years ago. 
  • What is the extent of the damage to the nerves? Remember: Nerve damage CAN HEAL! Nerves can be re-grown, they can be REPAIRED and re-trained, but understanding the extent of damage is an important first step.
  • Please note: Your Existing Scans and Assessment is Useful: Our coordinator will help you organize and share any current scans, lab work, prior assessments, imaging, testing and medical history report as part of your initial assessment. We will not repeat any tests you may already have completed.


The biggest thing to remember here - We don't guess. With complete Functional Lab and Structural Assessment, we have a pretty good idea on the cause and extent of damage. Based on that we recommend a protocol specific to you, giving you the best chance of results  

Our Protocols are effective because they are individualized based on specific findings, unique to you.

 What you Need to Know about our Protocol for Neuropathy:

With a Multi-disciplinary approach and talented team, we represent every sub-specialty you need to begin your path to seeing feeling and  improvement! We take the best of functional medicine, physical therapy, diet plans, supplementation, low level laser therapy, nerve retrainers, vibration plate therapy and more, to get you lasting results.

Remember: We want you to HEAL. Not just provide symptomatic relief, but HEAL. To do that, our focus is on the root issues that made you susceptible to Neuropathy begin with. Only until we address the root cause(s), can we then work towards healing the damaged nerves. 

The Good News: 
Nerve damage CAN Improve!
Your nerves can be retrained and you do not have to keep living with these severe symptoms!
Some key components to your treatment plan are as follows:
  • Our Protocol will address any Biochemical Limitations identified by the Comprehensive Functional Assessment: 
  • ​Our Protocol will address any unresolved injuries / structural issues identified as part of the Comprehensive Structural Assessment and help to repair and retrain the damaged nerves.
  • ​Our Protocol will include proper baselining: This ensures you know the extent of the problem when you start and we have a measurable end goal in mind.
  • ​We will continue to measure improvement along different phases of the protocol.
  • ​Most patients see long-lasting relief from most, if not all of their symptoms. 
  • Duration of Treatment: Most patients will start seeing results in as quickly as three sessions. We ask for a 6-12 week commitment to complete the protocol. Your specific duration of treatment will be based on the amount of damage you have.
Please note: Our Neuropathy Protocol is not covered by insurance.
It all starts with a free 15-minute phone call with our 
Board Certified Neuropathy doctor, Dr. Jamy Antoine, DC, BCN, BS, FIPCA 

This call is reserved only for people suffering from Neuropathy specifically in their feet, hands or spine related neuropathy. 
Once you click the Submit button below, a member of the Care Coordination Team will contact you to start the process. 

Please submit your information to us if you're serious about improving Neuropathy.
Most patients that come to us have exhausted the outdated-insurance covered options for Neuropathy, while their symptoms only worsened. Our cutting-edge, proven Neuropathy Protocol is not covered by insurance. Take advantage of our flexible financing options and finally get your quality of life back!  

We look forward to talking with you!

What makes this Protocol so powerful against Peripheral Neuropathy?
Dr. Jamy Antoine, DC, BCN, BS, FIPCA explains:

Neuropathy can improve. Repair the Neuropathy Damage and retrain the nerves:

Neuropathy can Heal: Repair the Neuropathy Damage and Retrain the nerves.

Dr. James helping a patient @ Select Health - Twin Cities
In Edina, MN

Relaxed, happy patient @ Select Health - Twin Cities
In Edina, MN


Check out these Patient Testimonials:

Ron, a Patient of Select Health Twin Cities, explains his feet were bothering him and hurting him at night. As a result, he had difficulty falling asleep. He also suffered from restless leg syndrome (RLS). He also had a loss of balance and was falling all the time. But now, Ron can feel his feet again; his RLS has improved, he can fall asleep a lot easier because his feet do not hurt! His wife in this video states that from her point of view, it is a massive difference for her not having to worry about him falling so often. 

Linda discusses how she struggled with pain in her feet for a long time...and after seeing Dr. Antoine and his staff, she "can walk a long distance now without pain in her feet." She states she is subjectively "85% better!"

Bob B. was referred to the clinic by someone else being treated for neuropathy. "After a couple of months, the neuropathy in my feet has gotten about 70% better" The soreness in the bottom of his foot "is now basically not there! Bob talks about the laser treatment that has helped him tremendously- happy with the procedures and the results.

Have you been diagnosed with Neuropathy, 
experiencing symptoms in your feet or hands?
Have insurance-covered methods failed you, while your Neuropathy only gets worse? Are you doing some treatment but would like a second opinion? Your doctor can help you with some aspects of it, but you'll likely need additional support...Please don't hesitate to contact us...
We are here to help you!

Meet Dr. Jamy Antoine, DC, BCN, BS, FIPCA   

 Common Questions Patients ask: "Are we a good Fit? Who is this Protocol for?"

*Individual Results vary. Please note this protocol is not suitable for all patients- not everyone qualifies.
Neuropathic Pain can be a very complex problem. Contrary to popular belief, it often doesn't stem 
from just one source or culprit. 
For starters, most doctors assume instead of true investigating the specific cause for your neuropathy pain, and from there, many doctors do not have individualized protocols in place for patients suffering from Neuropathy.  

Their methods are incomplete to your healing and only involve solutions that mask the symptoms instead of addressing the root cause. Relying on Insurance to help your Neuropathy is very limiting to patients. 

To make matters worse, a patient's symptoms can be wide-ranging and varied and change over time. The patient support needed requires individualized attention across several advanced medical specialties. Depending on the cause of the pain and then extent of damage to your body, different specialists may be needed. These include but are not limited to Functional Medicine, Neurologist, Rheumatogolist, Endocrinologist, Metabolic disease specialist, Physical Therapy and more. 

We are specifically Board Certified in Neuropathy (BCN)

There are technologies out there that can help improve blood flow and promote axonal regeneration of the nerves, but many specialists don't take the time to understand them because they are bound by the constraints of insurance coverage only. 

Understanding your cellular health, level of oxygenation, the different reasons for inflammation in your body and your body's metabolic state are key to getting to the root cause of the problem. In addition to addressing the root cause; improving nerve damage by promoting nerve regeneration and training are equally important!  One doctor cannot solve all these issues, nor can meds alone. That is why we have a team of experts helping resolve this issue for you with the most state-of-the-art equipment at our disposal.

Select Health of The Twin Cities doctors represent a sub-specialty that Neuropathy Patients need and could benefit from! With over 20 years experience, you are truly working with experts. Our combined protocols help to take patient care to the next level and help you HEAL.


These practitioners are licensed and credentialed healthcare providers with expertise in Neuropathy, Functional Medicine, Naturopathy, Clinical Nutrition, Physical Therapy, Head and Neck (cervical and Spinal support) experts, Diet and Nutrition and more. 

Meet the Select Health Doctors 

Located in Edina, Minnesota

Dr. Jamy Antoine

 Board Certified in Neuropathy

Dr. Antoine, DC, BCN is a Board-Certified Doctor of Chiropractic through the state of MN and is Board-Certified in Neuropathy through the American College of Physical Medicine. In 2010, Dr. Antoine, Board Certified in Neuropathy is part of Neuropathy, Disc and Joint Specialty Clinic. After a neck MRI revealed six bulging and herniated discs in his neck. He had tried – unsuccessfully- for years – to manage and improve his neck pain using traditional chiropractic, traction, massage, and other treatments. In 2010, he underwent specific disc therapy, and achieved remarkable results with his own spine – and has been pain-free for over 11 years. Since 2010, he has helped thousands of patients regain their life and avoid surgery by using his trademarked Neuropathy programs at Select Health of The Twin Cities.

Dr. James Eschiti

Functional Medicine Practitioner, 

Dr. Eschiti, DC, CFMP is a Board-Certified Doctor of Chiropractic through the state of MN and is a Certified Functional Medicine Provider through Functional Medicine University.  Dr. Eschiti received his undergraduate degree in Education from the University of Central Oklahoma. He completed his Doctorate of Chiropractic in 2002 at Northwestern College of Chiropractic in Bloomington, MN. Dr. Eschiti specializes in Sports Medicine. After that, he completed the post graduate program for CCSP and became a Certified Chiropractic Sports Physician. Dr Eschiti is also a certified personal trainer through the National Council of Strength and Fitness. His hobbies include biking, hiking and spending time with his family.

Message from Dr. Jamy Antoine, DC, FICPA, BCN 
Board Certified in Neuropathy:

 "We all face challenges in our lives. These challenges can be overbearing, impacting our body and mind with lasting effects.  We've had the privilege of helping many patients who felt that insurance covered methods were not what was best for them, only masking symptoms caused by back and disc issues and Peripheral Neuropathy. We want to be part of a new journey with you...a new path:  

A path of Hope
A path of Faith
A path of Recovery
A path of Healing

We would be honored to be your doctors, 
earn your trust and navigate a new path WITH YOU.

With newly conducted research, we now know and understand the changes in the nerves can Heal. What can we do to change the body back to the pre-Neuropathy state? 

We carefully select patients for this protocol. Not everyone qualifies. 80% of People that qualify and follow our protocol report 70 - 90% improvement in symptoms in as little as 3 months. We don't mask the symptoms, we can help improve the damage to the nerves from the disease. We take the best of functional medicine, physical therapy, diet plans, supplementation, low level laser therapy, nerve retrainers, PEMF mat therapy, vibration plate therapy and more to get you lasting results.

Bottom Line: It has taken our team a combined 55+ years of experience to develop and fine-tune our Neuropathy Protocol. The protocol is safe; works fast (sometimes within days), and significant results are possible in as little as 3 months, with lasting results. 

It is very important to us that we help you become independent and at some point you will not longer need our help! That is what feeling better looks like to us and we hope you'd agree!

 We are in this together. Living with Peripheral Neuropathy is hard and a heavy burden to bear. Let's reboot your System, repair those nerves and help you heal. Because once we are healed, we can be so much more - better humans, better parents, better friends, and better members of society."
With Hope and Guidance,
Dr. Jamy Antoine, DC, FICPA, BCN
and the Select Health Team of The Twin Cities

We are here to support you- Take back control of your life!

With Neuropathy, there's no such thing as 
"one reason why!" 
The reasons for Neuropathy are often cumulative and varied. 

Is it a biochemical (Physiological/ Metabolic) problem? Is it a neck or disc (STRUCTURAL) issue? Is it trauma (INJURY) in a part of your body? 
With the help of our experts located in Edina, MN and the best equipment available, we will uncover the answers to these questions and finally begin your road to healing.

Clinical and Technical References:

Additional References available upon request
1. Hughes RA. Peripheral neuropathy. BMJ. 2002;324(7335):466-469. 
2. Davies M, Brophy S, Williams R, Taylor A. The prevalence, severity, and impact of painful diabetic peripheral neuropathy in type 2 diabetes. Diabetes Care. 2006;29(7):1518-1522.
3. Gordois A, Scuffham P, Shearer A, Oglesby A, Tobian JA. The health care costs of diabetic peripheral neuropathy in the US. Diabetic Care. 2003;26:1790-1795.
4. Callaghan B, McCammon R, Kerber K, Xu X, Langa KM, Feldman E. Tests and expenditures in the initial evaluation of peripheral neuropathy. Arch Intern Med. 2012;172(2):127-132.
5. Schaefer C, Sadosky A, Mann R, et.al. Pain severity and the economic burden of neuropathic pain in the United States: BEAT Neuropathic Pain Observational Study. Clinicoecon Outcomes Res. 2014;6:483-496.
6. Brannagan TH. Clinical Trials: The Path to Emerging Peripheral Neuropathy Treatments. Neuropathy News. 2008;29:1-8.
7. Odell R, Chaya Z. Clinical Outcomes utilizing the Combined Electrochemical Treatment for Peripheral Neuropathy: A Retrospective Study from a Western Clinic. Oral poster presentation at: American Society of Regional Anesthesia, San Francisco, CA; November 2014.
8. Carney P, Odell R, Kreisher S, Galloway L, Sorgnard R. Regenerating Nerves destroyed by Neuropathy. Poster presentation at: NeuPSIG Conference, Nice, France; May 2015.
9. Woessner J. Electric Nerve Block. In: Weiner’s Pain Management: A Practical Guide for Clinicians, 7th Ed. New York, NY: CRC Press; 2006:83: 1233-1242.
10. Lonsdale D. Monogram of Clinical Research: Presentation of a New Medical Model. Life Sciences Press Tacoma, WA: Life Sciences Press 2006.
11. Krebs H. The Citric Acid Cycle. Nobel Lecture, December 11, 1953.
12. Krebs H, Salvin E, Johnson WA. The formation of citric and alpha-ketoglutaric acids in the mammalian body. Biochem J. 1938:32(1):113-117.
13. Hayes JR. Beating Neuropathy 2nd ed. Denver, CO: Outskirts Press, 2012.
14. Cone CM, Cone CD. Induction of mitosis in mature neurons in central nervous system by sustained depolarization. Science. 1976;192(4235):155-158.
15. Cork R, Saleemi S, Hernandez L, Schultz T, Brandt S. Predicting Nerve Root Pathology With Voltage-actuated Nerve Conduction Sensory Testing. Available at: https: //ispub.com/IJPSP/2/2/6139. Accessed January 15, 2015.
16. Finnerup NB, Otto M, McQuay HJ, Jensen TS, Sindrup SH. Algorithm for neuropathic pain treatment: an evidence based proposal. Pain. 2005;118:289–305.
17. Thomas GD. Neural control of the circulation. Advances Physiol Edu. 2011;35(1):28-32.
18. Saperstein D, Levine T, Levine M, Hank N. Usefulness of skin biopsies in the evaluation and management of patients with suspected small fiber neuropathy. Int J Neurosci. 2013:123(1):38-41.
19. Odell R, Sorgnard R, May HU. Electroanalgesic nerve block: theory & case reports. Pract Pain Manage. 2006;6(3):42-54.
20. Odell RH, Sorgnard RE. New technique combines electrical currents and local anesthetic for pain management. Pract Pain Manage. 2011;11(6): 52-68.
21. Cernak C, Marriott E, Martini J, Fleischmann J. Electric current and local anesthetic combination successfully treats pain associated with diabetic neuropathy. Pract Pain Manage. 2012; 12(3):23-36.
22. Carney P. Quantum theory treats neuropathy better than pharmacology. Pain Practitioner. 2015;24(4):28-31.
23. Odell RH Jr, Sorgnard RE. Anti-inflammatory effects of electronic signal treatment. Pain Physician. 2008;11(6):891-907.
24. Odell R, Woessner J. The Integrated Nerve Block: Electrical + Chemical. Poster Presentation at: the 18th Annual International Spine Intervention Society Meeting, Las Vegas, NV, July 2008.
25. Forest Tennant, personal communication.
26. Farrar J. Introduction to the Supplement on Ion Channels. J Pain. 2006;7(1):S 3-12.
27. Shieh CC. Ion channels as therapeutic targets for neuropathic pain. Curr Pharm Des. 2006;15(15):1709-1710.
28. Schwartz R. Electric sympathetic blocks: current theoretical concepts and clinical results. J Back Musculoskel Repair. 1998;10:31-46.
29. Lodish H, Berk A, Zipursky A. Molecular Cell Biology. 4th ed. New York, NY: WH Freeman: 2000.
30. Melzack R, Wall PD. Pain mechanisms: a new theory. Science. 1965;150(3699):971-979.
31. Editors of Research & Education Association. Essentials of Biology II. New York, NY: McGraw Hill: 2006.
32. Pellerin L, Magistretti PJ. Glutamate uptake into astrocytes stimulates aerobic glycolysis: A mechanism coupling neuronal activity to glucose utilization. Proc Natl Acad Sci USA. 1994:91(2):10625-10629.
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34. Schaeffer PJ, Nichols SD, Lindstedt SL. Chronic electrical stimulation drives mitochondrial biogenesis in skeletal muscle. J Exp Biol. 2007;210(Pt 19):3356-3360.
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36. Personal observation (RHO)
37. Gupta D, Harney J. Comparison of epidermal nerve fiber density testing to routine nerve condution studies. Poster presentation at: Annual meeting of the American Academy of Neurology meeting. 2010; poster P05.231.

© Copyright 2023 
All Rights Reserved, Select Health-Twin Cities, Minnesota
Address:  7300 France Ave S #350, Edina, MN 55435

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© Copyright 2023  - All Rights Reserved, Content created  by Trailhead Health LLC. and reviewed and approved by Dr. Jamy Antoine, DC, FICPA, BCN